Thursday, September 15, 2011

There is a mouse under my arm...

I have on a cheap Walmart bra. I don't remember what brand, but I'm a full-sized gal, so I tend to try to find better quality. Anyway, I was in a pinch and bought this $8 bra at Walmart.

You usually to get what you pay for. Every time I move my arms, the wire in the bra squeaks against the fabric. In the front and on the sides.

At first, I was really embarrassed by this. I mean, it pretty much draws attention to my chest, which doesn't need more attention. The embarrassment was soon taken over by hilarity. You see, I work with men. I'm the only girl in my office. And the squeak is not a quiet squeak. It's pretty obvious where the sound is coming from. So when it happens, whoever I am talking to at the moment averts his eyes. Usually there is some sort of stuttering involved. I might as well start talking about my period.

I think I'm going to have buy some more $8 bras. So worth the entertainment value.

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